Faction overview
Here is every factions strengths plus weaknesses
13 colonies Very Hard
Strengths-large army, due to many support the cause.
Weakness-weak army with no bonuses, special cards are expensive.
Britain Easy
Strengths-well trained, cheap navy, cards are pretty cheap. Special is very useful.
Weakness-Britain has no true weaknesses, its main weakness is short troop supply, 3 for 85
France medium
Strengths-trained, you always start with land to expand to.
Weakness-once you border the enemy, defense can be hard.
Hessia hard
Strength-well trained army.
Spain hard
Strength-cheapest navy
Weakness-always a bad starting position
Other German mercenaries medium
Strength-cheap artillery, good soldiers
Weakness-kinda expensive
McBay about
Musket & Artillery: American Revolutionary War